Help....Rooster seizures


5 Years
May 1, 2018
I have a 3 year old rooster bantam d'uccle that has been having seizures for about 6 months. Obviously I'm not watching him all day, but he definitely has them daily. He flops on the ground on his back for a few seconds then hops up and re orients himself then goes about his business as usual. Is there anything I should be doing for him?
Animals and birds can have seizures. Chickens are known to suffer from them sometimes. Has he ever had a head injury? You could try giving him some vitamin E 400 IU with a tiny bit of scrambled egg, tuna, or sunflower seed daily for selenium. That could help possibly if he has a neurological problem. I would not give the E for more than a couple of weeks. Are you feeding a balanced chicken feed as his main diet? Is it fresh dated? Vitamin E can be leeched out of feed if it is old.
Yes, he gets chicken feed as his main diet, however, it is a layer feed. We have another rooster also that is fine. He also had a limping problem before this started. I did the eggs and vitamin E for awhile and that did go away. I don't know of any head injury. He does also scratch his head constantly, but has no bugs. I may try the vitamin E again, thanks.

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