HELP! Rooster suddenly can't crow, something suck in throat?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 7, 2012
North Carolina
Our roo has been fine all day, but suddenly tonight, tried to crow several times, but nothing comes out. He sounded a little wheezy when I was feeling his throat, but that may have been because I was messing with it. He's still clucking and eating, but no crowing. I felt his throat, and can feel a little lump - am wondering if something is stuck?

We added a sandbox to the coop today with play sand and some small gravel size rocks. Could he have inhaled a rock? I don't think it could be gapeworm - It would be quite a coincidence for that to suddenly happen the same day we added the sandbox.

I gave him a little bread soaked in olive oil just in case it is something in his esophagus. He ate it up.

Leave it to us to end up with a roo dumb enough to choke on a rock.

Any thoughts/ideas?? Thanks
He may have ingested an item slightly too large for his tubes. The scarring may be causing him some discomfort. I think ALL WILL SHAKE OUT OK in a day or so. By shake out,, I mean pass.. If he is able to breathe and eat IT IS A GOOD SIGN.
Thank you for your thoughts on this. I figure if it's in his esophagus, he'll work it out eventually. Have you ever heard of a chicken actually inhaling and choking on something? If something is in his trachea, I don't know if he can cough it up… but I've never heard of a chicken getting a rock in the trachea… silly old roo. I'm hoping he'll be back to normal in the morning.
I have seen my chickens wolfing down kitchen scraps viciously just to get the most of it available. Like a feeding frenzy. Some of them took on pieces slightly larger than Ideal. It all worked its way down eventually. Never had a food choking incident in all my chicken keeping years.
Thank you. I'll post how he's doing tomorrow. It's very strange. I actually have video of him crowing away today at 4:30, but by 5:30, he couldn't get one out.

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