Help! Rooster with broken leg?

Has he been tethered or tied?

Likely fractured from fence fighting/cage kicking.
When was the spur trimmed? Is that tender as well?

I'd be inclined to clean the leg well with some Chlorhexidine or an antiseptic - what do you have Iodine, Povidone Iodine or something like that? Gently clean the scabbing/abrasions. Pat dry. Apply a very small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to a small piece of guaze, place that over the abrasions, then wrap with sports wrap (coban/vet wrap). This may help stabilize the leg and allow him to start putting a bit more weight on the leg.
You're going to want to check that wrap daily to make sure it's not getting too tight or the leg is not swelling. It's a must to check it. If it seems o.k. then change it on the 3rd day unless it gets wet or heavily soiled, then change it before that. Take photos of what the leg looks like in 3 days. If it looks o.k., no infection, then repeat the steps above. If it looks worse, then you'll have to step it up with changing the wrapping daily. Remember, small amount of ointment, I'd keep what's underneath the wrappings relatively dry.
That's a relief! Since he's a very special baby šŸ„

Has he been tethered or tied?

Likely fractured from fence fighting/cage kicking.
When was the spur trimmed? Is that tender as well?

I'd be inclined to clean the leg well with some Chlorhexidine or an antiseptic - what do you have Iodine, Povidone Iodine or something like that? Gently clean the scabbing/abrasions. Pat dry. Apply a very small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to a small piece of guaze, place that over the abrasions, then wrap with sports wrap (coban/vet wrap). This may help stabilize the leg and allow him to start putting a bit more weight on the leg.
You're going to want to check that wrap daily to make sure it's not getting too tight or the leg is not swelling. It's a must to check it. If it seems o.k. then change it on the 3rd day unless it gets wet or heavily soiled, then change it before that. Take photos of what the leg looks like in 3 days. If it looks o.k., no infection, then repeat the steps above. If it looks worse, then you'll have to step it up with changing the wrapping daily. Remember, small amount of ointment, I'd keep what's underneath the wrappings relatively dry.
No tethering for him

The cage fighting most probably is although I wonder how

The spur was trimmed around 1 Ā½ ago it's pretty old

He already has swelling in his entire leg not sure if you can see in the photo now I'm wondering is the fracture above the ankle or under? Since I want to wrap his leg I would like to know where to wrap
No tethering for him

The cage fighting most probably is although I wonder how

The spur was trimmed around 1 Ā½ ago it's pretty old

He already has swelling in his entire leg not sure if you can see in the photo now I'm wondering is the fracture above the ankle or under? Since I want to wrap his leg I would like to know where to wrap
They find a way to kick cages.

Yes, I saw the whole thing is swollen, you can try wrapping loosely.

I'd wrap from foot to fibula just under where the feathers start. Seems like a lot of wrapping, but this is the best way I've found to keep wrappings on legs otherwise they twist or move or the bird works them loose.

You'll absolutely want to check daily if there's a lot of swelling. Maybe even rewrap daily, just try not to press and bend the leg very much while you're doing it. Having a helper is great, but I wrap by myself so it can be done.

It's already callused up and likely has already set, so you're not looking to reset that leg, you're looking to wrap it for support and stability if that makes sense.
He may end up with a knot on his leg, but hopefully it will heal o.k. Cold weather, he may be a bit achy with something similar to arthritis.

You will want to try to avoid him kicking wire or getting into any more squabbles during healing and thereafter, reinjury is very likely even after he heals up.

This is where I would think the fracture(s) are.

They find a way to kick cages.

Yes, I saw the whole thing is swollen, you can try wrapping loosely.

I'd wrap from foot to fibula just under where the feathers start. Seems like a lot of wrapping, but this is the best way I've found to keep wrappings on legs otherwise they twist or move or the bird works them loose.

You'll absolutely want to check daily if there's a lot of swelling. Maybe even rewrap daily, just try not to press and bend the leg very much while you're doing it. Having a helper is great, but I wrap by myself so it can be done.

It's already callused up and likely has already set, so you're not looking to reset that leg, you're looking to wrap it for support and stability if that makes sense.
He may end up with a knot on his leg, but hopefully it will heal o.k. Cold weather, he may be a bit achy with something similar to arthritis.

You will want to try to avoid him kicking wire or getting into any more squabbles during healing and thereafter, reinjury is very likely even after he heals up.

This is where I would think the fracture(s) are.
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Okay got it

I see i was suspicious of that when I saw it this morning great to know he's getting callused.
Good thing we don't have winter here

And thank you on the info hopefully his leg doesn't lose anymore mass than it already has
See how it looks in a few days. Do watch those places where the skin is broken and has been bleeding.
You don't want him to get an infection of the bone.

Keep us posted.
See how it looks in a few days. Do watch those places where the skin is broken and has been bleeding.
You don't want him to get an infection of the bone.

Keep us posted.
So hes so much better after 12 days he's walking Alor more putting more pressure on his leg,his leg seems a little bit thicker but I'm sure that's normal because of the injury or maybe he's still swollen I bandaged him up today since I finally found something to use but couldn't find anything else during 12 days but this a video of Miguel 12 days later
and I want to thank you all for the help and tips

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