Help! Sexing 2 month old chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 12, 2014
Hello everyone would LOVE a little advice.

I got three chicks at 9 days old, two are Cream Legbar x Exchequer Leghorn Chicks,

and the other is Cream Legbar x maran.

The two exchequer x both grew loads of feathers quickly and are the same size so I guessed females.

The Maran x was really slow with growing his feathers and is much bigger than the girls, so I guessed boy.

One of the Exchequer x has grown his/her crest much faster than any off the others will put some picks up.

Just want to know if its possible for a hen to grow her crest fast or do they always stay light pink when they are two months old?

Looks like rooster, hen, rooster.

Hens have small, pink or flesh colored combs at this age. The larger, red combs are roosters.
the second rooster did everything the like the hen, feathers coming in at the same time it was only the red crest that was the only difference

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