Help Sexing chicks please and red Ancona so small?


Sep 9, 2021
I got a mix of unsexed chicks 2 weeks ago, I lost 2 and picked up a frizzle cross along the way. I'm pretty sure what left are majority roos and would like a second opinion before I get rid of them.
I think the first pic is a Plymouth roo, 2nd pic I think is a Plymouth pullet, 3rd I believe is a frizzle cross roo, 4th is unknown sex leaning towards roo supposed to be Rhode island red and the 5th is a red Ancona I think it's definitely a hen she is my favourite, also are they supposed to be that small?


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I’m sorry- as we told you in the other thread (at least I think it was a separate thread), they are much too young to accurately sex. Your red Ancona is a bantam.
There’s no point in “getting rid of them” (I’m hoping that’s not as ominous as it sounds lol) when you can’t tell gender yet.
I got a mix of unsexed chicks 2 weeks ago, I lost 2 and picked up a frizzle cross along the way. I'm pretty sure what left are majority roos and would like a second opinion before I get rid of them.
I think the first pic is a Plymouth roo, 2nd pic I think is a Plymouth pullet, 3rd I believe is a frizzle cross roo, 4th is unknown sex leaning towards roo supposed to be Rhode island red and the 5th is a red Ancona I think it's definitely a hen she is my favourite, also are they supposed to be that small?
Too young.
I’m sorry- as we told you in the other thread (at least I think it was a separate thread), they are much too young to accurately sex. Your red Ancona is a bantam.
There’s no point in “getting rid of them” (I’m hoping that’s not as ominous as it sounds lol) when you can’t tell gender yet.
Sorry I'm not sure what other thread your reffering to this is my first post ever. Thanks for clarifying regards my red Ancona.
I can't legally have roosters here and I know it will be harder to add other chicks to fully grown adults. My bad 😌
I got a mix of unsexed chicks 2 weeks ago, I lost 2 and picked up a frizzle cross along the way. I'm pretty sure what left are majority roos and would like a second opinion before I get rid of them.
I think the first pic is a Plymouth roo, 2nd pic I think is a Plymouth pullet, 3rd I believe is a frizzle cross roo, 4th is unknown sex leaning towards roo supposed to be Rhode island red and the 5th is a red Ancona I think it's definitely a hen she is my favourite, also are they supposed to be that small?
You posted about 10mins ago. Same info, same pics.
Sorry I'm not sure what other thread your reffering to this is my first post ever. Thanks for clarifying regards my red Ancona.
I can't legally have roosters here and I know it will be harder to add other chicks to fully grown adults. My bad 😌
Ohhhhh. I don’t know. Something must’ve glitched. Here, I had two thread notices pop up.

But when I clicked into this one, look at the time stamp.

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