Help? Sexing Welsummer & Cuckoo Maran chicks

I would think not, but alot is gonna depend on where the stock originated from and if anything has snuck into the mix.

A welsummer hen can be bred to any chicken and still lay a dark colored egg, but the contents of the egg could be interesting!

The black breasted red color is interesting too. We also have BBR old english standard games. the color pattern for the birds is basically the same, but those chicks hatch out like her little yellow chicks with usually a faint black stripe, we get some variety in chick color from them. But not as extreme as her chipmunk chick to the yellow ones.

Looking through my pictures of this hatch, I found one where one of the yellow "welsummers" was hatching. You can see the shell color. I can't find a pic of the other one's shell (and I've already pitched the mess now) but they were all quite similar. At least there wasn't any difference big enough to stand out in the supposed Welsummer eggs. Here's the photo:
Well, I guess these three will be mystery chicks then. Must not be pure Welsummer.
Don't get too discouraged yet. Time will tell for sure on them. Stranger things have happened. I am curious to see how they turn out. I hope you keep us posted.
I love a good mystery!
Personally I never seen a buff colored Welsummer chick! All of mine are chipmunk stripes. Are you sure that the breeder didnt cross them with a buff roo?
I hatched partridge chanteclers, I expected them all to be born chipmunk striped, but two were born quite blonde, one had faint chipmunk stripes but was blonde in color, they both grew up to be partridge colored chanteclers. So I wouldn't write them off so quick
That was not the understanding I had, but I guess I know nothing for certain.
Now I can't wait to see what happens when they feather out.
I hatched out 6 welsummers not to long ago and was 100% on with the striping. The very defined stripe is the girl and the fuzzy are the boys. I did have one that was in between and it turned out the be a girl. I would say yours is either a boy or a maybe girl. LOL
It is definitely not the very defined of a girl. I think that is probably as clear as mud! Sorry.
Hmm... that sure looks more like mine, doesn't it?
Very interesting! Thanks for sharing that.
I ended up losing one of my blonde ones. I noticed the next morning after hatching that it wasn't walking quite right and then that afternoon, I found it drowned in the chick waterer. I never thought that could happen in that little thing, but I guess since his legs weren't working quite right, he must've tumbled in and couldn't get himself out.

Poor little fuzzer. It was probably nature working itself out, but still... hate to have that happen...

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