Help!! showgirl lost a leg! *Update* 10-22-08

Thanks for all the great advise " Twinkle" is doing great, well as good as a one legged chicken can. My chicken run has been equiped with tin around the bottom of it and we are going to be puting a line of hotwire around the outside as well.I started out keeping her fod and water right there with in reach and over a couple days was able to put it farther and farther from her. She is in a 8 ft long horse tank on my back mud room. She is using her one leg more and more. She stands a lot now I think she is tired of siting, and she has learned to use her beak to "scratch" the wood shavings away to pick up bits of food she has missed. She seams to be recovering and learning to get around her disability really fast, a lot faster than I had expected.

Thanks everyone!
I had a rooster that got his leg torn off by a cat the reached under the door of the henhouse. The rooster was about a week old. I just let him be, and he grew into a very handsome rooster, never had any problems.
Just had to share, Twinkle has been living in the tank with some chicks. This morning I found an EGG!! She must be feeling much better. This is her first egg so I think I will blow it out and save it. I was so excited I had to share.
Glad to hear shes doing good

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