Help Sick chick


10 Years
Apr 16, 2014
This chick is about two days old and was fine after hatching but now something is wrong. It’s legs are sticking out to the front of it and it can’t walk of stand. It is still eating. It was hatched by its mother and was with her until yesterday when I found it not walking just laying on its side. I’m not sure what to do or if I can fix it.
A chick chair may help to get the chick up to food and water. Try to stand it up beforehand, and see how it stands, if at all, to look for splay legs. Here are some versions of chick chairs, and add small cups for food and water, so it may reach them:



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Yeah it can’t stand up at. But it was able to stand right after it hatched. So I don’t know if something happened to it like maybe Mom stepped on it. I don’t know. I will make a chick chair and see if it helps.
I am new to this site and new to having chickens. This site is amazing. Never heard of a chick chair and a lil vitamens and chick looks great. Everyone responds to help. This is my new fav site
Glad your chick is improved so quickly. I would continue the vitamins for a few days at least to ensure that any deficiency is really reversed.
A couple of comments based on your picture, the towels in the bottom of the cardboard box are very wet. Wet brooder conditions can really cause problems and illness in the brooder, coccidiosis being a big one, or your chicks getting chilled. Everything needs to be kept as dry as you can. They are also going to outgrow that box very quickly. Something that will not absorb water is better than cardboard, and raising the water up a little, can help keep them from running through it and spilling it. I usually use a brick or block of wood to raise mine up. You are also going to need a bigger water container very soon, make sure it's one they can't drown in. Once they are eating well, keeping the feed in a feeder will help keep them from eating droppings contaminated feed also, which can contribute to coccidiosis out breaks. Chicks can be very messy. Best of luck with your babies, hope they continue to do well.
Glad your chick is much better. I agree that givng vitamins and making sure the chick is drinking well are important. Raise the waterer to the smallest chick’s shoulder height, since they will double and triple size each week. This 1 gallon waterer costs just $5 at Rural King, and is fine to use with baby chicks, then later for several years, and it doesn’t turn over very easily:


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