//help// sick, lethargic hen with huge abdomen!


Aug 26, 2020
My 1 and a half year old Australorp has been a suspect of EYP for quite some time now. The last known egg she gave was back in July of 2021. After that I don't know when she stopped laying. Nearly every day, she goes to the egg box, makes a ruckus and comes back out. She acts as though she has been laying eggs. Her abdomen keeps getting bigger and harder. Now it seems to be purple.

She has always been active and healthy, with a little bad days here and there, but never this serious! Today she was standing still with her feathers all fluffed up. She has yet to poop in front of me. Her stance in the morning felt a mixture of trying to lay an egg or being extremely cold. Her abdomen is so big that it looks purple and her comb might appear red but it's a bit soft and pliable.

I checked her vent today and could not put my finger in even for half an inch. She had this mass both up and down. I gave her a warm bath for about 5-7 minutes as she didn't want to be in the water for a long time. I also gave her calcium citrate.

Please help us...


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Her recent droppings is that first pic. Her droppings prior to this one was watery. This one is a bit more solid. I gave her a mashed banana and she ate a bit and is now sleeping.


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According to these articles, all the symptoms match... she is even breathing rapidly.
We can't afford surgical removal. Is there anything else I can do?

Also, it has been 8 hours since she is under my care and I haven't given her any feed. She still has leftover feed from yesterday. Can it be sour crop? She did drink a lot of honey water when I let her out to free range with her buddies.
The yellow urates and mucus in her droppings appear to be from liver involvement, a secondary issue caused by egg yolk peritonitis. The purple enlarged belly sounds like my hen who developed ascites. If you try to drain the belly with a needle and syringe, there may be yellow fluid, and that might help temproarily. She sounds like her life may be close to the end. There is no cure for egg yolk peritonitis. Antibiotics such as amoxicillin or enrofloxacin might help, but probably wouldn’t at this late stage. I would may her comfortable, offer food that she likes, and keep her warm. You might consider putting her out of her misery.
The yellow urates and mucus in her droppings appear to be from liver involvement, a secondary issue caused by egg yolk peritonitis. The purple enlarged belly sounds like my hen who developed ascites. If you try to drain the belly with a needle and syringe, there may be yellow fluid, and that might help temproarily. She sounds like her life may be close to the end. There is no cure for egg yolk peritonitis. Antibiotics such as amoxicillin or enrofloxacin might help, but probably wouldn’t at this late stage. I would may her comfortable, offer food that she likes, and keep her warm. You might consider putting her out of her misery.
Thank you for the reply!
I previously lost a hen to ascites and her abdomen was soft as compared to this one.
Her abdomen is too hard and it has been like this for a few months now. I've given her countless courses of antibiotic and I've also poked her once with a syringe to take out any fluid, but nothing came out. Shall I try draining her right side again for ascites?
You can try, but it sounds like she may be dying and in pain.
I want to do everything I can for her... she is such a nice hen. She is actually really attached to me as she came running towards me for cuddles and followed me around the lawn even though I had no treats with me...
I'll see till a few hours more and then maybe she will go to heaven...

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