Help!! Sick or Injured Chicken....


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2018
EMERGENCY!!!!!....Help...I have a 5 to 6 month old Buff Orphington that I found laying on her side and not walking or putting any weight on her leg. She is alert and seems content but not eating or drinking. I have check her thoroughly and she has no sign of injury. I tried to dip her beak in water last night be she wouldn't drink the she appeared to vomit???? a clear mucus like substance. What can be going on with my little hen? please help!!!!!!
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No. She only did it once last night. She just sits in th he box looking around. She will stand if I hold her up.
I'm thinking maybe ....
Sour Crop - Ketoconazole, Nystain, Monistat, lotrimine, miconazole; 1/4” 2x day for 7 days

Hang in there will tag others that are more experienced than I in this department. Where are you located? It helps to know time zones & climate, you may want to update your profile.

@casportpony @dawg53 @drumstick diva @cavemanrich
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5 to 6 month old Buff Orphington that I found laying on her side and not walking or putting any weight on her leg. She is alert and seems content but not eating or drinking.

she wouldn't drink the she appeared to vomit???? a clear mucus like substance.

No no poop. Smelly breath.
Can you please post some photos of your pullet and her poop?
Correct me if I'm wrong these are her symptoms -
She's not pooping.
She's unable to walk and laying on her side.
She has smelly breath and vomitted clear mucous.
How long have you had her?

It's hard to know what's going on with her - a few things that come to mind is a crop problem, Coccidiosis and/or Marek's.

Check the crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks, it should be empty/flat.
She does need to stay hydrated, but be careful trying to get water into her she can choke.
Is she 5 or 6 months of age? Has she laid any eggs? Feel the abdomen, is there any bloat/swelling or fluid?

Hopefully with more information, we can give you better suggestions.

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