Help sick rooster

Your asking the impossible from people reading your post to help you because it's not very descriptive and there's a lot of things that can cause what your describing.

If you really want to save him you should consider taking the advice from some that have responded. It takes time and observations to figure out what's going on.

Just a suggestion.
Bc u put lol. And I said he eats flock raiser and scratch feed and I have bought chicken meds before and it saved my dieing chickens before bc no vet dose chickens. His crop feels fine. There barn is fine it has nesting boxes and perches. They have a run in pen and I do let them out free range. I use one heat lamp to keep them warm. And he been sick for 3 days. Yes he had some lice I gave him a bath with dawn soap it kills them and poultry spray.
He is separated been sick for 3 days I notice he has black toe maybe from a cut and yes it's winter here I keep them warm with heat lamp and shavings I feed him flock raiser and scratch feed and meal worms as snack and veggies I had chickens for years since I was 11 I never had issues. How low is there perches post to be???
Does he allow you to touch his legs? Does there seem to be any swelling or injury? If you have him separated does the area allow for much movement? The last hen we had quarantined to treat vent gleet just sat around but that’s because our crate is pretty small.

Maybe someone else will chime in and have a better idea to help you out! Other than trying an electrolyte or probiotic I don’t have any other ideas with the info provided. Could you make him a mash or an egg and see if he gobbles it up if you’re not sure how much he’s eating/drinking?
Yes I can touch his legs What is mash food? He dose seem to have little back toe just little bit from a cut. He eats little and drinks little bit
Your asking the impossible from people reading your post to help you because it's not very descriptive and there's a lot of things that can cause what your describing.

If you really want to save him you should consider taking the advice from some that have responded. It takes time and observations to figure out what's going on.

Just a suggestion.
Yes I did write vary scripted as I can I don't know how else I should be and yes I know
How is my response coming off as a joke? Literally anything can cause lethargy and it would be irresponsible to go buy a random medication and dose him. The questions are there for a specific reason and in all the the time you've taken to respond to these messages you could have just sat down and answered the questions.

We need to know how long he's been sick, if you can observe any physical changes, any changes in the comb, facial swelling respiration (Breathing), paleness any signs of trauma, has he been eating, is his crop full, soft, squishy, swollen, what kind of feed he gets, does he free range, what kind of housing does he have. Pictures are very helpful, even pictures of his stools. Have you inspected him for lice or mites?

Common causes of lethargy are: anemia from mites, not eating (could be an internal problem effecting appetite), internal parasite overload, or some sort of respiratory problem. All of those would require a different treatment.

And in the mean time if you can isolate him for observation that is helpful and can potentially protect the rest of your flock from getting sick.
Not u someone else put lol
Pick of hay hay

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