Help sick rooster

Here is my nice chicken barn from last year it was vary expensive and I got allot of chickens and there run pen area is dog kennel fence bc we got foxes here and coyotes and yes it's fallen apart the Fence bc it use to be goat fence and it's old I can't afford new fence and don't say nothing mean please about my chicken barn it has 3 perches inside kinda low they like to be high up it dose have nesting boxes just 3 I know I should have more but everyone that I know is to busy to help me build more plus no room for allot of nesting boxes I got 18 hens allot of them are bantams vary small hens And ice it's winter and allot of ice aournd it can't help that sorry I use shavings for warmth and one heat lamp high up bc it gets vary cold here one time negative -30 somethings I do have big yard and woods for my chickens and we do have hawks and fisher cats and bob cats as well and racoons and opossums so dog kennel fence is way stronger. Good thing we have no bears though and it dose have 2 windows so the morning sun can warm them up also and they do open and close

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