Help!!!!! There’s something wrong with my hen!!!


Feb 21, 2023
So two days ago my marigold was fine in the morning but then at night she was limping. Yesterday she was still limping but seemed a little better. Then today she ran around a lot outside when I let them out and when I put them back she was limping more then ever. She means so much to me and I’m sooooooo worried!!! We do have two cockerels but they are small around three and four pounds. She is molting and I haven’t seen them mating with her. She’s a jersey giant and the roosts are low could she have hurt it that way? When she’s not limping she holds her leg up it’s her left. Please help!!!
Here is a picture of the roosts excuse the coop it’s kinda dirty. @Mrs. K @azygous @fluffycrow @Eggcessive please help!
A very heavy hen will eventually incur foot and leg damage unless a very low perch is provided for them. Some damage to legs can be lethal as I found out the hard way when a cherished rooster injured his leg jumping off a high perch. Heavy breeds should have a perch no higher than one foot, and I have a couple even lower than that. You may need to train your hen to use it.

Does she have light colored legs? You may see light green bruising if she has a leg injury. Look for bumblefoot bruising on the pads of the feet. These can get infected, so treat right away if you see signs of bruising.
Thank you everyone I will check! She is molting so I don’t think she’s laying. How can I train her to stay on her own roost? She’s acting fine other than her leg.

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