Help! Tom is acting hens.


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2021
Hello all. Long time lurking first time posting.

So I've had a Royal palm pair since December a Christmas gift from my mom. Since its laying season I decided to get more hens so when my RP hen went broody Tom wouldn't be lonely. I found 3 bronze ladies. I pinned them up 3 days with RP pair. They could see each other but not peck each other. RP hen is now broody so I decided to let tom in with other hens and he is constantly chasing and pecking them. They don't come down fron roosts. He doesn't let them get near food or water. I let them free range in the evening yesterday he doesn't seem interested in them at all. One hen was waiting patiently for him to do his job. Another was calling him and he just ignored them. I need advice on what to do. My husband is ready to put him in the pot... He follows me everywhere everytime I'm outside.
Turkeys like horses are very color sensitive, studs will often times not mate with light colored mares if they have been with dark colored mares, eventually they come around, this will be the same with your tom.



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