Help !! tried Duramycin 10 ..not helping ,WHAT NOW

I would recommend calling Doc Brown (Chicken Dr.). He will charge you for the consult ONLY if you don't order meds from him after your consult.....he has been a god send for me and my flock!!

That's just my 2 cents
ok i called the Peter ( chicken dr )and he believes they have bronchitis or coryza,and meds are on the way , i'm so relieved to know somthing ..i feel more hopefull thanks so much to all that told me to call him and to those trying to help me .
were not outta the wood yet but at least i have some hope
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I'm glad he could help you
He has given me so much hope for our situation....he really is a God send

It takes a LOT of patience and perseverance......we still aren't out of the woods yet either
but we are doing much better now that we have started the meds.

What did he put your birds on ? What kind of meds?

Hang in's amazing what we will do for these fuzzy butts isn't it?
I'm so glad you called him. Hopefully your birds will be on the mend very soon!

Please keep us posted on their progress.
wold chicken it is amazing what we will do . they always make my day better, there always so happy to see me ...he put them on Gallimycin ,hopfully it will be here tomorrow ,until them he had me give them 1 tsp of duramycin & 2tsp of Aureomycin in 1gallon of water ..they seam better today .what a nice man and very helpfull .i sure hope urs get better soon ,what is yours on ?
wild chicken ,it is amazing what we will do . they always make my day better, there always so happy to see me ...he put them on Gallimycin ,hopfully it will be here tomorrow ,until them he had me give them 1 tsp of duramycin & 2tsp of Aureomycin in 1gallon of water ..they seam better today .what a nice man and very helpfull .i sure hope urs get better soon ,what is yours on ?

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