Help!!! Twins


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2017
Vidor, Texas
I have twins that are on day 21. There is no pips or egg movement. Do I wait or do I try to put a tiny hole on both ends? I am worried I have or will lose them. Thanks
Have all your other chicks hatched now?

Day 21 is usually the start day of hatch, with a couple of days wiggle room.

I've never done twins, but I have done assisted hatch before. Twin chicks from one egg is very tricky. Ideally, hatching chicks have an air cell, but they may be positioning differently than a normal birth. Some people are successful doing an assisted hatch, but it's delicate work, it doesn't always work out. If you decide to assist, go slow, get your work area very humid, and prepare all of your tools ahead of time. If you see blood, stop, and place back in the incubator.

I’m a tad upset. I got into the aircell then to the first chick’s beak. Once I got the membrane open around it’s beak without busting any veins I can see there is some yolk left. It’s still breathing and heart still beating. I put it back in the bator and I don’t know if Ishould keep going???? Will he be ok to just leave and watch?
I’m a tad upset. I got into the aircell then to the first chick’s beak. Once I got the membrane open around it’s beak without busting any veins I can see there is some yolk left. It’s still breathing and heart still beating. I put it back in the bator and I don’t know if Ishould keep going???? Will he be ok to just leave and watch?

Can you see the other chick? I think you should leave him, if he can breathe leave him in the bator for about an hour, and then see if his yolk sac is absorbed. It's really stressful, but I'm hoping for a great hatch for you!
Can you see the other chick? I think you should leave him, if he can breathe leave him in the bator for about an hour, and then see if his yolk sac is absorbed. It's really stressful, but I'm hoping for a great hatch for you!
I’m going to try to upload a picture. He keeps swallowing and breathing fine. I cannot see the other chick because it’s behind it. I went in through the aircell and stopped once I realized I seen the yolk


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Good, must wait until yolk is absorbed before helping anymore. Bare in mind they might not be ready to hatch today, I've had healthy chicks hatch a day or two late

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