help two didnt return to roost...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
I recently added three bantys to my free ranging flock and two never returned to the coop for the night. They are two year olds that a friend didnt want. I watched them mill around the coop all day then went ou to check on all the girls at dusk and no where to be found everyone else accounted for. I have never had any kind of predater problems. Any suggestions???
How long have you had them? If they are new they might not think of the coop as their home yet and might be roosting elsewere?
Nothing in the nearby trees adjacent to the coop or in the yard. We watched them all afternoon they seemed to stay pretty close to the coop there is three bantys and one silkie that we added to our six red sex links and one barred rock they were all having a ball. This really stinks I am going to have to wait it out till morning
Maybe something spooked them and they got a little too far afield to find their way back. Hopefully they are together up on a branch or nestled in some shrubbery. I hope very much they are okay and that you find them.


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