Help two doves not eating

I'm still going with my coccidia, worms, or other parasite theory then. Coccidia upsets the bowls, so abnormal droppings can occur. But your birds can also be suffering from coccidiosis without you knowing unless you know what you're looking for.

I don't know. I'd recommend giving the birds Sulmet. It's a sulfa drug that will take care of coccidiosis, salmonella, and a lot of other things as it's pretty broad-spectrum.
Sorry had to put babies to bed here is a name and and a dose
For the treatment of coccidiosis, fowl cholera and infectious coryza. This is a sulfa based drug, and has an advantage over other sulfa based drugs, as it remains in the blood longer, and in higher concentration. Dosage: 1 Teaspoon/Gallon for 7 days.
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thanks I have sulmet and will try that but they are not drinking so it is hard to get it down the sick ones
I will treat how pen and make sure no one else gets sick
these are in house in a tote with pine bedding and a light on them with seed and millet and water
Thanks would love to know how it goes. I love our doves and know how much your s must mean to you, will send a little prayer it all works out for the best.
I have lost the healthier one to i do no tknow the other one is being fed and seems to be getting more energy.......I Have three baby sparrow that their nest fell and mom abandon we will see how it all goes first time hand feeding....

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