HELP two week old keets dying for no reason I can tell


6 Years
Jul 16, 2013
I went away for the weekend and left my two week old keets at home with a house sitter. When I came home last night one was dead. I cleaned it up and just figured it was a weak on (it wasn't developed as much as the rest) went to sleep and woke up to another dead in the same spot! Now I have four walking around with heavy heads and have separated them here is a picture. What is going on!?!?!?!
I just moved these out from the others because I didn't want them to get them sick. My brooder is an old water trough that measures 2' x 4' it has a heat lamp on one side and food and water in the middle. I have since moved the "healthy" ones to my outside brooder. And moved these guys into a storage box with a little food and water. I have lost two of these and the other two are going down hill. I have been reading all morning and I wonder if I am not dealing with a case of salmonella...?
How are they today?, we are raising chicks at the mo, they have made it to 5 weeks. But i have not seen those symptoms, i would clean everything with a chicken safe disinfectant, make sure they can get away from the heat if it's too hot. I'm sure you have thought of that already, hopefully this post will bump you up to someone with experience of this.

I have a sickly 3 year old hen which i am worried about, it's horrible when you really want to help them but don't know what to do.

I give mine all probiotic yogurt when they are unwell it normally helps, not sure in this case though.

Good luck.
What are you feeding them? They need a higher protein food than the stuff you give chickens or they just kind of starve to death. Game bird starter or something that I think is 18% protein. I have learned that the hard way myself with my Turkeys and my Keets a few years ago.

I am not at all an expert but I too was wondering what you're feeding and how often, because your keets look very small for 2 weeks of age.
I think I figured out the problem. After losing four birds I decided to take the other two over to the water and stick their beaks in it. They both started drinking and shortly after they started to act more normal. I went back every hour all afternoon and did the same. These two have since been returned with the rest and are doing wonderful! While I was away the person that gave them water gave it to them once the morning before i got home, which is normally ebough but my theory is that it was slightly tipped and must have drained out slowly. These birds were dealing with dehydration. :( a painful experience but at least I was able to save the last two before they died
Thank you all for the concern. I feed them a game bird ration free choice (they have it available all the time) and I personally check on them when I am home thought the day. I looked back and these guys were born on the 6th so they are two weeks today. So they were about 10 days here

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