Help Urgent Silkie Pullet Expelling Uterus - UPDATE!!!


I was on pins and needles, watching her make her little nest this afternoon, putting wood shavings on her back, scratching and cooing... I tried to not pay too much attention and keep building the coop condo (yes more carpentry for the chickens!), after about 20 minutes she got up and started pecking around and eating... no egg song... I was a nervous wreck as I opened the condo door, either there would be an egg in the nest or it would be handing from her bloody butt...

Have you ever cried from relief and joy at the sight of a small, perfect egg?


I know she is at risk for another prolapse in the future but for now she is doing splendidly, she gets to live!!

Either God had plans for her, or she is stubborn, or I am a better surgeon than I thought, LOL!

PS: I read to up her calcium intake to stimulate the cloacal muscle contractions for better egg expulsion, so I gave her ground eggshells in her food in addition to changing her crumbles to layer ration only - perhaps that did the trick?

you know, i JUST read about prolapse in the latest copy of Backyard Poultry magazine. How old is your silkie? i read that chicks that are hatched "off season" will sometimes be stimulated to lay eggs too early....and if the pullet is too young, then she could experience a prolapse. it explained that if you hatch a chick in the spring (after march) then by the time she gets to laying age, the days are starting to shorten, and it prolongs her "maturity" if you will. and that's a good thing i guess, so that she won't be a high risk for prolapse. it was my 1st issue of Backyard Poultry and i read it cover to cover (almost....i skipped the duck articles) in less than a day. great mag! i'm SOOOOO happy that your little girl is ok!!!!!!! Yea!!!!
I'm thinking you may have fixed your girls problem. It does sound a bit like the hymen on a young girl, only on your young silkie she was sealed shut. By making a small incision, you've created an opening. By passing an egg regularly, hopefully it will heal open and won't happen again.

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