HELP! Very Worried About Hen!!!!

Donut Chickie

In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 11, 2012
My ameruanca/Easter egg mix hen who is four and a half years old. She has been laying normal eggs for the past years but recently her eggs are slightly deformed and suddenly today I found a strange leather texture item mixed in with her droppings that had yolk inside it. I have been feeding her her normal diet and Oystershells and grit but nothing seems to help.I'm trying to posting pictures of it. if anyone know what is wrong or can help please bc if I can't find a cause or help here I'm taking her to the emergency room! Please help!
there are a few things that can cause this, and a vet visit might be for the best.

sometimes they don't eat their oyster shell, and can get a calcium deficiency. also if your water is to alkaline it affects absorbtion. I also see this some in hens that were fed feed store ground laying mash all their lives. im not sure if all feed stores do it the same, but one told me that he added lime to his feed for calcium. after doing a little research it made his feed slightly alkaline. just a guess but after years of eating this, it may adjust the chicken's body's ph.

isolate her from the other chickens just to be safe. try to get her to eat some form of calcium, oyster shell, calcium pill whatever you can get her to eat. if you have a way to, test your water's ph. if it is higher than 7 add a little raw apple cider vinegar. this helps with calcium absorbtion, be careful with how much you use, as to much does weaken egg shells over a period of time.
Thank you for your help! The water ph level is fine and she does eat her oysters helps so she shouldn't have a calcium deficiency. It could be lash from what I've been trying to figure out what it is I'm still unsure of it!
Is there a specific cause for lash or anywAy to fix it?? Her only sister who was left died a few days ago so she is all alone and has no other chickens to play with I'm unable to get more bc of my parents not wanting anymore but is it safe to get other chickens will they catch lash??

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