Help w/ breed of grown chickens...


11 Years
Sep 29, 2008
I am new to this so if you could help me figure out the correct breeds to my chickens I would really appreciate it! Thanks


1. I got these from my grandma so I know these are Bannies/Bantams. Do they have a more specific breed name than that Gray Bannies LOL


2. This one is crazy LOL It runs around like the sky is falling
She is all black except for her neck and it is orange/golden.


3. I think this is a Barred Rock...but I am just guessing.


4. This is maybe a Road Island Red. At least that is what my husband is guessing.


5. Or maybe this is the one he is calling the Road Island Red.


6. Are all these chickens the same breed because half of them have a red comb while the other half is pink? I am guessing a white leghorn.


7. This is my favorite roo beside the Bantam one...I can't tell if you can see in the picture but it is all black with green feathers randomly placed.

If you need more/better pictures let me know and I will add some more.
Thanks for all of your help in advance I really appreciate it!!!
Here's what I think:

1.) Splash Old English Game Bantams - 3 hens & a rooster, I believe

2.) OEG Bantam of some sort - maybe a roo??

3.) Barred Rock hen

4.) Buff Orpington Bantam roo

5.) Rhode Island Red hen

6.) White Leghorn hens & roos

7.) OEG Bantam roo of some sort
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Thanks for your help. I have a couple of questions for you.

I think that #1 is the only Bantams because all the others are 2 or 3 times bigger. That is if my understanding is correct that Bantam just means that they are a small breed? Yes you were right though...3 hens and a rooster. The hen with the big comb is actually their mom

2 &7 What does OEG stand for?

6. Do you know why they have different colors of combs? Could it be because they are possibly different ages?
#2 looks like a Brown Leghorn. I can't tell the size from the picture but if it is about the same size as an adult White Leghorn hen it may be a Brown Leghorn. I agree with the id on the others made in other posts. Good variety of chickens!

Codornis Chicken fancier since an early age.
I could be off on the Bantams. I was assuming by the size of their legs & the way their tails are shaped. If you could possibly put yourself in with the pics or something to differentiate the size of them, it might be easier. My Red Pyle OEGB & Golden Sebright are considerably smaller than my 5 Partridge Wyandotte Bantams too, but they're still considered Bantams.

OEG stands for Old English Game / OEGB = Old English Game Bantam

6.) I think the roos have the nice, red combs/waddles & the hens have the pinkish combs/waddles. But I'm fairly new to chickens too, so I could be wrong.
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Okay I am not a very good picture taker you can tell and the chickens weren't being very photogenic
so these are the 3 best pictures. Let me know if they help. If not I will get some help and take some others. Thanks for your patience and support!!!


1. Blue Old English Game Bantams (But they are the Splash color) - With blue chickens you can get blue, black, and splash birds. However splash x splash will produce 100% which means they have two copies of the blue gene. Blue birds have one blue copy and one black copy, and black birds have two black copies. It looks like a quad - 1 male and three females.

2. Light Brown Leghorn hen

3. Barred Rock or Dominique. The comb is blurred in the picture so it is hard to tell for sure.

4. Buff Orpington Rooster - Very pretty by the way...

5. Rhode Island Red pullet

6. White Leghorns - the ones with large combs that stand up are your rooster. Large floppy red combs are older hens. Little pale pink combs are probably younger pullets. Unless the birds are very small and then they could be little roos. If they are all the size of the birds in the pic they are pullets.

7. Black Australorp rooster. Looks nice too. This bird cannot be a bantam. He comes up way to high on the wire.

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