Help! What’s wrong with my chicken


6 Years
Jan 17, 2018
Northern Ontario
hi guys
I need some help figuring out what is wrong with my chicken a dwhat I should do. I noticed the right side of her face was swollen and her eye was bubbly yesterday so I removed her from my flock of 21 and I have her inside. I have been putting ACV in her water and have made her oatmeal with some drops of OOO and some garlic chopped up.she has eaten and drank. She is a little sneezy as well. I noticed a few small spots on her comb as well. I don’t have the money for a vet but I’m willing to try other ways to help her. I could cull her if it’s a possibility of infecting the rest of the flock. Here are some pics. I welcome any advice or opinions. Thanks :)
It looks like she has a simple respiratory infection. Good job keeping her separate from the others. I would continue what you are doing, but make sure she has plenty of vitamins and minerals in her water. I give my birds a powdered blend that is made for kids. Also, if you can, give her plenty of greens like grass or other edible weeds, and make sure she can be in the sun for a little while every so often. Her body should be able to fight it off on its own, but if it gets any worse she'll need a more involved treatment plan.
Can you get Tylan online or in the store over there? (I'm in UK) Also, if that is ACV turning that water as yellow as that, I would say you have overdone it a bit. That amount of water probably needs no more than a teaspoon xx
Lol that wasn’t the ACV in the water. I had some electrolytes so that’s what was in her water. That’s why is it’s so fluorescent. The cage is in my foyer and it gets a lot of direct sun. I also sprout them wheat and they get that 3-4x a week. I’ve looked into Tylan before and the only place I can get it around here is from the vet :( thanks for the help. I was scared it was possibly something quite a bit more serious.
Lol that wasn’t the ACV in the water. I had some electrolytes so that’s what was in her water. That’s why is it’s so fluorescent. The cage is in my foyer and it gets a lot of direct sun. I also sprout them wheat and they get that 3-4x a week. I’ve looked into Tylan before and the only place I can get it around here is from the vet :( thanks for the help. I was scared it was possibly something quite a bit more serious.

Lol! Glad to hear it was electrolytes....otherwise it looked like you were giving the ACV practically neat!! Shame about the Tylan......maybe another member has some they wouldn't mind sharing a dose or two of? Otherwise, as suggested, some TLC and lots of really good nutrition and she may be able to fight it off herself. Good luck hon xxx
I hope so. I do feed them non gmo layer and some organic(if you call it that) mealworms for some treats and they get some sprouts every other day
Most feed stores have Tylan in the cattle products. For chickens Tylan 50 injectable is good, and it can be given orally as well. Give 1 ml for each 5 pounds of weight or 0.2 ml per pound. Give it 2-3 times daily for up to 5 days.
She most likely has mycoplasma or MG, which is common everywhere. Your others have been exposed already from the same source or from her, so I would get her back with others soon when she has stablized. Encourage her to drink, and offer plain water as well if she does not like to electrolytes. Offer chopped egg, rinsed tuna, or wet chicken feed as well as her usual dry feed. If crusts form around her eye, clean it with saline or a warm wet compress, and plain Terramycin ointment can be used if it gets gunky.
I’ve asked if my local feed store was able to order some and they can’t :( I live in northern Ontario, we don’t have much here unfortunately. she did lay an egg today and it was flawless lol but I was scared to eat it

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