Help... What do I 21

Well, it was hard but I left the egg alone once I gave it a breathing hole thinking it had internally piped but it had not. I just went to check on it and 24 hrs after making a breathing hole it piped on its own. Thank God! It had been a stressful 24 hrs! I think we're going to have a healthy baby! :)
I was hoping for an update this morning and this is good news!

Do you think the membrane is off the beak? The chick is making a breathing motion. My husband thinks the chick is breathing fine but I just wanted to make sure.
I pulled the little gal out of the incubator to push the membrane off her beak and it was already off. She is starting to chirp :) This baby is making me happy! With the hole in the shell do you think she will be able to hatch okay?
She's looking good! She should be able to complete the hatch today, but give her a few more hours. She's pipped "internally" now and I've had chicks take up to 19 hours before progressing from there, though the average is much shorter. As long as she is breathing it's good, just keep an eye on the humidity in there. Any news on the other egg(s)?
Congratulations! +1 with leaving her be for a few more hours...just keep that humidity up. I ended up helping mine out last night, but only because she kept fighting and chirping loudly. But once she was out, it looked like she could have stayed another hour at least to absorb more blood. (She is a FIESTY one...just wanted to get out and stretch!)
She's looking good! She should be able to complete the hatch today, but give her a few more hours. She's pipped "internally" now and I've had chicks take up to 19 hours before progressing from there, though the average is much shorter. As long as she is breathing it's good, just keep an eye on the humidity in there. Any news on the other egg(s)?
It's doing good. I candled last night and its trying to internally pip. Another egg is trying to externally pip! Very exciting! Definitely a different feeling than I had yesterday morning! Lol
OP, you say that you think you have a shrink-wrapped chick?  Can you walk me through what you have done so far?  I believe I have one like this as well.  I'm still on Day 20, but it's sibling has already pipped and is unzipping now (and the other 2 I am pretty sure are dead).  So far I have candled the ones that did not pip yet so I know where the air space is...and I saw no internal pip on these.
Thank you :)
Congratulations!  +1 with leaving her be for a few more hours...just keep that humidity up.  I ended up helping mine out last night, but only because she kept fighting and chirping loudly.  But once she was out, it looked like she could have stayed another hour at least to absorb more blood.  (She is a FIESTY one...just wanted to get out and stretch!)
whoops! I meant to quote this instead ;-) again, thank you and Congradulations!!

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