help! what do i do?

The Pekins can't fly either so all are susceptible to being preyed upon. They will need a secure house for night time especially. As for the Mallard has he got his flight feathers completely grown in? Can you post a picture?
It's unusual for a Mallard not to be able to fly unless there is something wrong with their wings.

the pekins are all fighting so they have will have new homes by then. the mallard is a wild duckling who lost all his other siblings. his mom flies away everyday (but returns) and he tries to follow but can’t fly. all the other mallard ducklings have flown away by now. he is way smaller than all the other ducklings but looks full grown (has all his feathers as far as we can tell) and his mom is way smaller too, could it just be because of their size? we think the size is what caused all the other babies to pass too since it was easier for them to be attacked by predators
I agree craigslist Is not a good place to post animals. So sorry you had to go through that.
Whats scary is how bad the cops are. They all told me to buy a gun. They wouldnt come to my door cuz I have a bunch...rather a dozen dogs but my chiauhuas...little dogs were asleep inside. All the dogs sleep in my room with me. Yes Im single but my babies will always come first. I was a sharpshooter in the USAF but I dont want a gun in my house.

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