HELP! What is this thing(pic inside)? Another predator?

Sorry, look it up on the CDC website, where there a documented cases. Few, but not impossible. Your story is the myth.

Sorry, look it up on the CDC website, where there a documented cases. Few, but not impossible. Your story is the myth.
I completely agree with you. I love how people quote data that only supports their position. I like how they left out the fact that Opossums can carry, and transmit coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, tularemia, and tuberculosis. Not to mention the diseases that can be transmit from their fleas, and lice, particularly typhus.
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Just closed up barn and saw this cute little possum in there. A egg eaten. Possum got behind some stuff and hid.
Suppose warming up the coon will be coming next.
I completely agree with you. I love how people quote data that only supports their position. I like how they left out the fact that Opossums can carry, and transmit coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, tularemia, and tuberculosis. Not to mention the diseases that can be transmit from their fleas, and lice, particularly typhus.
Yes, really any wild animal can have many sicknesses.
I dont go out of my way to kill coons or the possum, skunk etc, but when they cross the threshold of going in my barn its a death sentence. They go into my feed and possibly danger to my chickens. Then while they are in there they leave their parasitic droppings in in my barn.
The only animal I will kill on site I see anywhere close to my buildings are woodchucks. I hate woodchucks, groundhogs whichever.
Having horses and chickens, I have zero tolerance for any opossums who take up residence or who visit my barn, paddock, or chicken coop. And relocation is illegal in many areas, so before doing it, see what's best done where you live.
They struggle in late winter, especially with snow cover, and do get bolder because they are desperate for food.
And we have lost birds to opossums very occasionally, back when our chickens weren't housed as well as they are now.
Very occasionally (it's pretty rare) they can contract rabies.
If you read the actual research, see link, above, from Missouri Conservation, opossums are quite resistant to rabies.
Definitely an opossum, as has been said. Trap it, shoot it, or leave it alone -- it's your choice.

Now, can everyone else please calm down? People have a right to protect their livestock -- whether or not you agree with shooting an opossum family, please remember that different people have different views, and act accordingly. What some people see as a cruel slaughter of a group of animals, other people see as taking preventative measures.
Not saying that I agree or disagree either way -- just please calm down.
I would kill it if I was you, it knows were your birds are, and will most likely come back.
Opossums are my least favorite animal...trap 12 gauge. i don’t even have the courage to touch one that’s dead without a shovel. they’re nasty. i was getting feed out of a bag onetime and reached inside to scoop feed and hit an opossum hissing at me.

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