Help!! What is this? What do I do?

It looks like a prolapse that has been badly pecked creating a large wound. About all you can do is soak her once or twice a day in warm mild salt water or Epsom salts 1/2 cup to a dishpan or bucket of water. Then keep the red tissue, if it comes out, moist with Neosporin ointment or triple antibiotic ointment twice a day. The red tissue must not dry out or it will turn black and die. I am not sure if she will make it, since infection could be a problem. Even a large animal vet familiar with chickens might be able to help. If she becomes worse, I would not hesitate to put her down.
Thank you! She’s doing fine she’s running around, eating like crazy and seems happy. Her vent looks normal it just looks like she pushed something inside of her out.
Please understand that a prolapsed vent means the same thing as a rectal prolapse in a human. You can't remove it or the chicken will die. It's the inside portion of her cloaca. It's the "tube" the egg comes out of - the oviduct.

The cause of a prolapse is pressure from a blockage higher up in the oviduct, an egg, a collapsed egg, or some tissue that has sloughed off the oviduct. Sometimes a tumor causes it. As long as the blockage exists, the prolapse will exist. You need to help her expel the blockage if possible.

Give her a calcium tablet. If you have something like this, give her one whole tablet in her beak right now or go buy some.
As @Eggcessive said, it may be too late for her if the tissue is badly mangled and infection has already set in. An oral antibiotic might be wise.

Here is my article on treating prolapse.

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