Help!!!! What is this????


Jul 12, 2021
I noticed one of my young pulleys was hunched and fluffed up. So I examined her and saw this. What is this??? Is that her intestine??? I'm going to feel really dumb if it's just poop. But it does not look normal.

She has been in the tractor on pasture during the day and back in the brooder at night. Is it fixable? She is 4 weeks old.
That's the best picture I have at the moment. When my baby is up from his nap I can get some more. It definitely looks like it is hanging out of her vent though.
First thing is to get her separated from the rest of the flock ASAP. They will pick at her and if could end badly. Get a small towel, rubber gloves, dawn dishsoap, Epsom salts. a small tub deep and round enough to soak her it. Wrap her gently in the towel so she won't fight you as much. Try turning her bum up (Laying her on her back) to clean the area. You may see bite marks and blood. Gently wash it up. I know it is instinct to want to push it in, don't just yet. After you have washed her up soak her in the Epsom salt water for about 20 min. This may loosen some of the poo.
This is going to be hard with baby wanting you too, You're Super Mom and can do this. I can write what to do after you've had time to do this. Next items you will want to get ready: Depending on what you have in your chick first aid kit, you may need to use the family one.
First thing is to get her separated from the rest of the flock ASAP. They will pick at her and if could end badly. Get a small towel, rubber gloves, dawn dishsoap, Epsom salts. a small tub deep and round enough to soak her it. Wrap her gently in the towel so she won't fight you as much. Try turning her bum up (Laying her on her back) to clean the area. You may see bite marks and blood. Gently wash it up. I know it is instinct to want to push it in, don't just yet. After you have washed her up soak her in the Epsom salt water for about 20 min. This may loosen some of the poo.
I will do this as soon as I can. I just really hope we don't have to euthanize her 😔
The objective is to keep the part hanging out and the area around the vent moist! When I did this the first time, I didn't have much on hand for first aid. I had diaper cream, honey, sugar, and witch hazel. These things will be fine for the time being. The witch hazel is used to make a spray or watered down to use on a baby wipe.
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I know you can't get to the chick just yet, but maybe get the items gathered up for when you can. Letting the chick go it the very last resort. This vent prolapse looks horrible at first and I will tell you I almost had my 11-month-old pullet put down. This site saved her life because there are sooooo many chicken keepers who will help
Please get her cleaned up with a warm soak, and take another picture. It is hard to see if this is a prolapsed cloaca with intestines or possibly an egg membrane.

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