Help. What is wrong with my chicks?

I must reread the original post. Is your OE the only one with the bloody stools? are the stools of the other chicks okay?

Oops OE and the Isbar both have the bloody poops. There have been non in the healthy brooder since I removed them and I haven’t seen the flower hen on Wyandotte actively take one and they haven’t been pasting up like the other 2.
Oops OE and the Isbar both have the bloody poops. There have been non in the healthy brooder since I removed them and I haven’t seen the flower hen on Wyandotte actively take one and they haven’t been pasting up like the other 2.
I would separate out the two who do not have bloody stool. Perhaps they could be given nutridrench instead of the Corid, and leave the two with bloody stools on that med. My problem is, I haven't dealt with sick chicks before so I'm not the best advisor. @ChickenCanoe, what do you think about this option?
I would treat all of your chicks with corid
Tomorrow is day 6 of treatment. Can you overdose them on Corid? My suggestion is to switch the chicks that do not have bloody stools to the vitamin regiment. My understanding neither of them ever did have bloody stool. One is acting unstable and the other is acting like it has something in its throat. Are these symptoms of coccidiosis by themselves? Also, do you think she should be giving Corid to the 3 that aren't sick right now? There are so many different things going on.
I’m sorry for you and your babies! If they were mine I’d add another heat lamp too, they look shivery and your brooder seems big enough for them to get out of the heat if an added benefit hot chicks drink more and it’ll help get the meds into them
:welcome :frow I would be feeding them a medicated Starter crumbles. Medicated feed is formulated for chicks to help them combat coccidiosis, a disease that is found just about everywhere in the environment. Most medicated starter feeds contain the medication amprollium. Amprollium does not *treat* coccidiosis, but it helps the chicks fight off cocci oocysts while they develop their own immunity. It is a preventative. Also I usually give my chicks Sav-A-Chick vitamins and electrolytes in their water. Good luck with your chicks...

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