Help! What the heck are these chickens!?!?

I'll be waiting to see what hatchery they use.
I don't remember seeing white australorps on any of the major US hatchery websites, but that may say more about my memory than about the hatcheries ;)

Good point about the color on the bottom of the feet.
Most breeds with white feathers have white or yellow down as chicks, so White Jersey Giants have stood out in my mind as the weird ones-- dark chicks that grow white feathers.
They may not be the only breed with that trait, but until now I had not noticed any others.

(Of course, a hatchery could be raising chickens with the wrong skin color, but hopefully there is a better explanation than that.)
Ok they said they use Hoovers(should have known)
It came from family farm and home and they claimed they were sapphire gems.
Having gems myself, i knew this was not correct. Lol.
I looked up jersey giant and it said they have yellow feet. Australorps have white and these chicks have white
White Jersey Giants have yellow feet, Black Jersey Giants have black tops of the feet, black legs and flesh colored/yellow middle bottom of the foot.
My current batch of mixed flock chicks i'm raising have black feet with one flesh colored full toe and all kinds of crazy mixtures, so you never know lol
Ok they said they use Hoovers(should have known)

On Hoover's website I can find:
White Jersey Giant (wrong skin color, otherwise might be right)

"English Orpington Variety Pack" (includes white ones, and the foot color would be right, but getting a whole batch of just the one color seems unlikely)

Lavender Orpington (but if your chicks have actual white feathers, not lavender, then it's not them. Foot color is right, and chick color might be right.)

I don't see anything else on their site that could have dark chicks who grow white feathers, with any foot color. And since you have a whole batch that are alike, I don't think any of the "egger" types is very likely, because they usualy have a variable appearance.
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White Jersey Giants have yellow feet, Black Jersey Giants have black tops of the feet, black legs and flesh colored/yellow middle bottom of the foot.

Half of the sources I can find (photos or text descriptions) have the White Jersey Giants with dark feet, like the blacks have but with gray instead of actual black.

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