HELP! Whats goin on w her eye?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 5, 2013

I woke up this morning and found my Rosie looking like this. I brought her in and gave her a bath and cleaned her up but what in the world is goin on and what else can I do?
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I woke up this morning and found my Rosie looking like this. I brought her in and gave her a bath and cleaned her up but what in the world is goin on and what else can I do?
Do you have drakes that could be doing this? sometimes they get carried away when mating and can cause injury. I'd clean her eye with a gentle washing and warm water with some salt dissolved in it just take a clean soft wash cloth and rinse the eye out with this solution a cup of warm water to 1 tea of salt. if it doesn't start looking better then I'd get some Veterycin spray {TSC carries it} and start spraying the eye a couple times a day, Any other symptoms ?
Other then her eye and her making it clear that it's She is eating and drinking as normal. She is currently hangin out in our bathroom shower. She wasn't to happy about loosing her good layer of "funk"(she enjoys rolling in mud and other gross stuff....I think she's really a dog).

Would saline drops work for her? All I have is sea salt and I know that's stronger then iodized.
Other then her eye and her making it clear that it's She is eating and drinking as normal. She is currently hangin out in our bathroom shower. She wasn't to happy about loosing her good layer of "funk"(she enjoys rolling in mud and other gross stuff....I think she's really a dog).

Would saline drops work for her? All I have is sea salt and I know that's stronger then iodized.
Saline drops would work and using seas salt just use less if you decide to use it, I'd make sure it's washed out good before using it though just to clean it up good. Ands hopefully if she has gotten anything in there that has irritated it it will wash out with cleaning and drops or wash.{She like to roll in the mud?} mine like to root in it but so far I haven't seen them roll, other than when one of the drakes gets one in the mud. Maybe she just got some dirt in there an a few days of some good cleaning will be all that's needed. Keep us updated.
Yes she does a way......kinda like the chickens when the dust bathe.....and it seems the smellier the better......

Thanks for the help.....she kinda had me freaked out for a minute
Just cleaned her up w a warm shower, rinse her eye w saline and put some neosporin around it. Didn't let her go to the pond but offered a kiddie pool w clean water in it. Oh and I did this three times yestarday. Her eye still looks kinda ...ugh... This morning but the swelling has gone down finally and she isn't shaking her head anymore.
Oh and my gander played over protective daddy to her and kept the big mean drakes'm sure that helped

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