HELP!! Why do my baby chicks all die right after I give them water???

Are all breeds except silkies hatching, drinking and doing fine? How many adult silkies are being bred? Do they all have the same mother or father? I am wondering if there is a genetic defect - maybe a detached air sac issues or something strange like that so that when they drink it fills one of the air sacs and smothers them. What symptoms do you observe - any gasping etc?
I didn't read the whole thread so I may have missed something but I give my chicks warm water. Giving them cool water straight from the tap can shock or chill them into death.
I was thinking same thing my older birds, dog and son lizards all drink the water as do me and my family so I am a bit worried.
Something is definitely weird if everyone else is fine, including your other birds from drinking the same water...Because of that, I doubt it's the water but with so few factors in and after a hatch, there's not many things to look at...

As far as the water, your local water district should test it for free...You may also, if you feel so inclined, call a local vet or animal control and ask them if they would 'autopsy' a chick and maybe determine why it died...Is that too much?...I don't know...Depends on the level of heartache I imagine you could be feeling...I know I almost get mad at god when we lose one that just survived the hatching process...

Another test would be to boil a batch of water and use on half of next batch of chicks and regular unboiled water on other 1/2 and see what happens...Just a thought...Sounds like a very frustrating situation, I'm sorry you have to deal with it...
A post like this makes you wonder----especially when the poster chicks die shortly after drinking The family water, then the Poster dissappears also around the time of the post!! Hmmmmm???
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A post like this makes you wonder----especially when the poster chicks die shortly after drinking The family water, then the Poster dissappears also around the time of the post!! Hmmmmm???

I sure hope we didn't get trolled. I'll give the OP the benefit of the doubt, but it does make you wonder.

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