Just giving an update on Daffy's seizures....had her at the vet & yes, possible poisoning from the fertiliser BUT could also be possible mild Epilepsy!!??!!
The vet said to give her another week or two with plenty of water to flush her out if the poisoning, but if seizures continue it will more than likely be the epilepsy....& should seizures get worse or more regular, then she will have to go on medication.
At this stage they do seem to have diminished slightly with her having less & she is as normal & active as ever after her 'episodes', so just a case of monitoring her now.
Thank you all for your help & guiding me in the right direction, appreciate it!! :p
I think it won't hurt to supplement with niacin or even a B complex, using B3 - niacin - as the guide for dosage, 100 mg niacin per gallon of drinking water. That it supposed to help their nervous systems develop.

So glad you were able to get Daffy to the vet!
Glad you were able to get her to the vet, and that she seems to be doing a little better now. Hope she continues to recover well! :)
thank you, I have read brewer's yeast is good for the niacin...should I get that or proper supplement?? I still have so much to learn, I feel I'm doing her an injustice sometimes :( but on the other hand she does get a LOT of love! :)
Hopefully she will improve, she is still having maybe 2-3 seizures a day but again it is like nothing has happened when she comes out of them, the vet said she's not in pain when she's having one, thank goodness.
Thanks again all :)
My rouen does something similar to what you've described but it's usually when she gets caught doing something she's not supposed to, like trying to eat garbage and also does it in the bath. It's like she's submitting, she'll half way lay down, put her wings to the side and slowly quack. She also does it every time I rub her from the neck to her tail. Just a little info. :)
oh does happen quite regularly when she's in the bath/pond....just thought the water was too cold when it first started happening. Definitely something to consider too, thank you very much!! Will keep an eye on her & be more aware of when it actually happens...see if there's a pattern with it.
thank you, I have read brewer's yeast is good for the niacin...should I get that or proper supplement?? I still have so much to learn, I feel I'm doing her an injustice sometimes :( but on the other hand she does get a LOT of love! :)
Hopefully she will improve, she is still having maybe 2-3 seizures a day but again it is like nothing has happened when she comes out of them, the vet said she's not in pain when she's having one, thank goodness.
Thanks again all :)
You could get a Super B complex vitamin and mix it in her feed or water. Brewers yeast is good too but maybe she is lacking in other nutrients.
no worries, thanks for that info, will see what I can find at our local petfood store.
appreciate everyones input, has helped so much!! thanks all
How is she doing any improvement?not sure if you'd find super B at a pet store maybe at a pharmacy or Walmart in the human vit isle.
Last edited:'s ok to give her human vitamins??????
She's maybe not having quite so many seizures, but still having them & don't seem to be lasting as long (10-40seconds), so hopefully this continues to improve & perhaps it was the poisoning rather than epilepsy?

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