help with 2 babys i just received in mail ..

wny egger

5 Years
Mar 27, 2014
I just received my order and 2 were not doing well at all ..they are breathing but not moving a whole lot ..their both closed and I have tried to give them water with probiotics in it ..any help would be great ..thanks ..
I just received my order and 2 were not doing well at all ..they are breathing but not moving a whole lot ..their both closed and I have tried to give them water with probiotics in it ..any help would be great ..thanks ..
Try feeding electrolyte water or sugar water from a syringe. I'm not sure that probiotics will help.
thanks for fast rep[ly wifes tending to them will drink a little but the other is very limp ..still breathing but gasping at time ..ones in better shape but still limp ..the other I am not sures going to make it ..I am giving them sugar water now ..
little bits ..I wasn't sure how much water or how often to dip their beaks ..I my wife tried drops but they were noty getting a lot of it we are just dipping their beaks ..but how often should we try watering them ..
one is still kind of gasping but not as bad as she was ..u can see her chest moving when they breath..
We had the exact same problem with our 2 white rock chicks. Give them electrolite water with a dropper while holding them. If they will not drink, just put a few drops on their beaks over and over again. Be SURE you do not get it into their noses, because it is very easy to do. Holding them is important because it is very warm. Once they are strong enough to open their eyes and peep,(for us it was about 8 hours) give them the water mixed in with their crumble feed. Soon they should be able to start moving their legs around and cheeping nonstop.
Then you put them on the floor and help them walk. They will fall over alot at first, but then they will get the hang of it. For our 2 chicks, when I put them down to walk they just fell over. So I gave them water with the dropper and they immedietly started chirping and walking around. They also had trouble getting used to using the regular waterer for a few days, so you may have to continue using the dropper. Now our 2 chickens are as healthy as can be, like nothing every happened to them as chicks. They just started laying eggs too!
I have the 2 in the box they came in with a 60 watt bulb a few inches away ..they are drinking a little each time we dip their beaks ..they are starting to respond now ..crossed fingers and a cracked heart I have ..boy they really stuff a lot in a box found these 2 under everyone else ..
You are doing everything you can at this point, but I want to make sure since I didn't see it mentioned-- they really must be kept warm at this age, and part of shipping stress can be them getting chilled. Use a thermometer on their bedding to make sure the temperature is right for them, and don't let them get chilled (cold water or keeping them away from heat).

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