help with a hobbling hen.


10 Years
Jun 1, 2009

I have a little booted bantam hen, whos broody at the moment & is sitting on a fertilised egg. Ive been taking her off the nest briefly every day for food & water, but Ive noticed she seems to be walking very stiffly, & hobbling a little bit, as if her legs are all cramped up.

She had a slight limp before, but I think being on the nest all day has just made it worse, because her legs are in one position the whole time.

I thought perhaps her claws were giving her difficulty walking. Theyve grown excessively long & twisted. I want to trim them, but Im not sure how, I wouldnt want to cut any blood vessels that might be in there.

Does anyone know if the claws are the problem, & how to go about cutting them if they are? & if not what could it be? Im really worried about her, we've had a couple of others get sick & die lately, I wouldnt want this to be the start of a problem for her that eventually causes her death.

The chick has hatched now, but mom's problems with walking seem to have worsened. Any suggestions?

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