Help with a mail order hatchery please?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
hi ok so i am hatching ducks for my science fair project and for it i need some mail order fertilized duck eggs. the problem is i need them in january or febuary at the absolute latest.
P.S. the reason i cannot use local because i am writing on the comparison of local vs. mail order.
Where are you located?
I have duck eggs for sale year round. Usually this time of the year through march they are all pastured together so you may get mixed breeds. You can PM me for details.

So are you going to hatch some local eggs and mail order eggs and compare how they do? What a fun project
Ebay is way overpriced. If you need them from a hatchery specifically Metzer should be able to do them, if you can get them from a small breeder for the purposes of the assignment you should be able to find someone on this site from signature "adds" in the duck forum or in the auction section.
well so far im a bit discouraged and ill have to postpone my next attempt until april due to some issues with getting the eggs but ill keep ya posted !

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