Help with baby duck


In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2017
Hello my baby duck hatched three days ago with the sac attached still since then it has dried up and it seem to be ok except it lays on its back and kicks . Will it be able to walk ? Is there anything I can do it’s going to need to eat something soon .


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Hello my baby duck hatched three days ago with the sac attached still since then it has dried up and it seem to be ok except it lays on its back and kicks . Will it be able to walk ? Is there anything I can do it’s going to need to eat something soon .

Are they still in the incubator at 3 days old? Have you been able to feed it or give it water?
At three days, it, and the others need to be taken out of the incubator.
Please remove it, and set it in a brooder with a warm section near (85/90F).
After it has acclimated, try offering some mashed scrambled eggs; if she refuses to eat, get your hands on a poultry vitamin and drip a small drop along her bill.
Administering too many fluids at once will cause aspiration, so be very careful to give small amounts at a time.
A feed and water dish should of course be provided/ given that the duckling is not stable I would make sure the water source is shallow enough it can't drown.
I would also give it a supplement. I've had several hatch that trip at first or can't walk well and poultry cell always does the trick.
Are they still in the incubator at 3 days old? Have you been able to feed it or give it water?
Yes I have been able to feed the one the others have just been hatching, I. Have hatched before I know why I’m doing but it had to stay in because of the sac being attached so it wasn’t doing well and now it’s not walking. I’m asking if it will walk or no because the sac affected it when born.
At three days, it, and the others need to be taken out of the incubator.
Please remove it, and set it in a brooder with a warm section near (85/90F).
After it has acclimated, try offering some mashed scrambled eggs; if she refuses to eat, get your hands on a poultry vitamin and drip a small drop along her bill.
Administering too many fluids at once will cause aspiration, so be very careful to give small amounts at a time.
A feed and water dish should of course be provided/ given that the duckling is not stable I would make sure the water source is shallow enough it can't drown.
Thanks I will try the scambled eggs as I haven’t all I do is cooked yolk .

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