Help with Bantam chick id


8 Years
Mar 12, 2013
Morgan Co.
Can anyone help id these bantam chicks. They are about 5 weeks old now. I know the one is some kind of frizzle, but unsure on the others. They all have feathered legs.

Thanks for the answers! If 5 of 6 turn out to be pullets that would be awesome. They came from TSC, a lot of people I heard from were getting a lot of roos from there in the bantam assortment
I bought about 40 assorted bantams from TSC this year to and or of those I ended up with about 12 roosters top and most of them I was lucky enough to get pullet mates! I got several Cochin and of the Cochins I'm keeping a barred pullet, blue rooster, and a pair of partridge. By the time mine were fully feathered like yours it was clear which ones were roosters. The only other one I'd watch is the other silver laced.

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