Help with BR gender....*updated pics* pg 3

Yay for hen, thanks for the input!

Yay for the hen, and yay for Chambersburg! My parents are in your area, and I love coming "home". If you really want a BR hen, in that area I'd suggest just walking up to one of the Plain family farms that line the roads between C'burg and South Mountain. Bet they'd help you out. I can't even figure out what breed mine are yet, much less what sex!
BTW, love your tat.
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She has actually been laying an egg a day for us since the day after she got here. So she is definitely a hen! But she must be a Barred Rock because her eggs are a shade lighter than my Red Sex Links eggs.

What a weird kowinkidink, my parents are in Mingus, Texas, about an hour from Dallas lol. But I have never been there.

Definitely a lot of farms around here, and since getting chickens this Spring, I keep my eye out for any of them that have chickens too. I think we are actually closer to South Mountain than Chambersburg. We live in the tiny area called Pond Bank.

We go to a sale about 15 miles away, which is where I would guess most of the farmers take their chickens. The sale tells you who bought your items, but doesnt tell you who you got yours from. So I can never tell who in our area might have been to the sale.
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I'm just east of Hershey, PA. I have 3 BR hens and they are definitely top on the hierarchical ladder. I also have one SS hen raising 8 youngin's, including at least 3 that are either of BR or BA origin; we will know better as they grow and begin to feather in. They are now about 2.5 weeks and I have noticed some barring in a few of them. Although their father is a SLW, BR characteristics seem dominant. If you need another hen, let me know and if one of these little critters is a hen I'd be happy to rehome her to your neck of the woods.
By the way, your hen does look like a Maran with the white legs. My BR hens have bright yellow legs that are a little less vibrant since they started laying; they are almost 8 months old.

the babies....
I was really thinking she was a Marans, both because of the white legs and she has more of a chocolatey brown coloring instead of the blackish/gray that BRs have. But then she laid really washed out light tan eggs, so now I am not sure. Maybe she's a mix?

If you have a couple hens to sell when those cuties get big enough, please let me know. I am still looking for more standard hens, mixes would be great too. I love the variety! I can take a ride up there whenever you are ready to let them go

I was the one that was PMing you when they first hatched...I used to be Solarical, but Nifty-Chicken was nice enough to change my id for me

Love that pic of Roxie, what personality! The Momma and babies are so adorable together!

My broody is sitting on 7 eggs due to hatch this weekend. I hope they hatch!
Ok, I've been neglecting this thread. SunAngel- OMG!! Pond Bank?! My dad grew up in MontAlto (his dad was post master for years) and mom grew up literally on South Mountain (my sister's living in the old home place up there). The folks are in Greencastle these days. Next time I come up there, maybe we can meet up- not exactly out of the way!
Been out of town since my last post, but the chicks are growing. Can only tell 1 for sure that is a roo, still waiting on some sign from the rest. I think we are keeping 2, one hen & 1 roo. I'll let you know when we're ready to rehome them.
Small world BFeathered!

We have only lived here a little over 4 years, but are getting used to calling it home. The post office in Mont Alto is where I get my chicks and hatching eggs shipped. Its much closer and the people that work there are nicer than the Chambersburg PO. We go to the poultry auction in Greencastle every Wednesday night and my kids dentist is over there too lol.

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