Help with breed and age.


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 25, 2009
Recently i purchased two chickens. The lady i bought them from says they were born sometime in january, and should start laying soon. I know they are mutts but i just want to know what breeds are possibly in them and age.

the first one looks like an Easter Egger. she has the feathers around her cheeks like an EE. I'm not sure about the next one, but it almost looks like a silky mix. (even though it is bigger). IMO. Hope this helps!
I agree with the first reply. That silkie mix is ADORABLE!!! Congrats on your find!
Thanks for the replys, what size is the average silky?, and when is it possible to cut their flying feathers on the wings?
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The black and white appears to be a EE mix with perhaps a Brahma? It looks like a male to me. By the coloring and comb. But I could be wrong. It's hard to tell unless you have a similar chicken to compare to.

The other is a silkie mix of some sort.
silkies are bantams, so about 2 lbs when they are fully grown. I'd say your EE looks like a hen-hopefully!

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