Help with breed and sex

What breed is this
white leghorn
Need help identifying chicks. Was said to be americauna's with the father being (white with black tail feathers - Im thinking Sussex) No clue on age - said to be 6 weeks, but very doubtful. They are pretty large for that age. Male or female on all please. Plus what do you think they are? I think she lied when we got them - I'm thinking light brahma's.
If they are really six weeks old it looks like the front two would be roosters the only one that looks like it could be a pullet is the one with the most black. They don't really look like Americaunas but they couldn't be light Brahmas because Brahmas have feathered feet. The front two with the most white look like either Delawares or Light Sussex. Did you say that the person you bought them from said they were Americauna Sussex crosses? They could be. The back one looks the most like an Americauna out of the three. None of them have beards or muffs though. but then again the parents could have been muffless also. The mother was probably actually an Easter egger and not an Americauna. They are all three beautiful chickens!
Need help identifying breed and sex of my chicks. Got them at a feed store and don't think they are what I was told.
The first one I was told is a bb red but the chick is so fluffy like a silkie. I think it is a rooster but not sure.
The second one was told is a bb red and I think that one is a hen but not sure.
The last one is the youngest chick and was told it is a Columbia rock. I think might be hen.
Thanks for the help everyone!!! :)



Need help identifying breed and sex of my chicks. Got them at a feed store and don't think they are what I was told.
The first one I was told is a bb red but the chick is so fluffy like a silkie. I think it is a rooster but not sure.
The second one was told is a bb red and I think that one is a hen but not sure.
The last one is the youngest chick and was told it is a Columbia rock. I think might be hen.
Thanks for the help everyone!!! :)




Beautiful chicks! For the breeds, you are right with the first chick in saying that it isn't a BB Red and, in fact, a Silkie. It looks like a light Partridge Silkie hen to me so far. The second one appears to be a BB Red rooster, and the third chick does look like a Columbian Rock. =)

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