Help with broody out in woods


10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
Milano, TX
Ok so i found my missing hen. I was sure she was going broody when i stopped getting eggs. She was setting up a nest in the woods.
Well i found her with a ton of eggs. I have a few shipped eggs (which i may have had too long now. Whats the longest i can keep them?) Should i try to put them under her? She has been setting since friday because before that she was always out and about. Thats too long probably right?
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Keep fertile eggs in a cool-humid storage area. Ideal storage conditions include a 55 degree F. temperature and 75% relative humidity. Store the eggs with the small end pointed downward.
Alter egg position periodically if not incubating within 4-7 days. Turn the eggs to a new position once daily until placing in the incubator.
Umm seems ive had the eggs a lot longer than i realized. Its been 15 days lol. Im going to toss them and let her do her thing.

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You may really want to move her into the coop with her nest. I know she will be bothered, but as far as safety, that's probably be the best thing.

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