Help with cause of chicks dying?

Could you call the feed store and see where they ordered the chicks from? I'm very curious due to some problems I've been reading about in other threads. Thanks.
Hi living2ride,

Not sure who this question was directed to... if me with the original post, I have talked to the feedstore and all their Buff Orpingtons are doing great. (My chicks came from Phinney Hatchery in Walla Walla.)

Right now, I'm thinking my chicks may have gotten too cold over the weekend when the outside door was left open.

I have two remaining chicks (out of 8). One is doing pretty good, the other I thought would have died by now. He's turning out to be one tough roo. I just wonder if he'll ever really recover. And sadly, I woke up this morning to a burned out bulb and 70 degree temp in the brooder. The two little chicks were huddled in a corner.

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Thanks Rick! I had read about some probs with MMs chicks in the past few weeks and was curious where yours had originated.

I'm so sorry your little peeps had such a rough time. They sure can be fragile when they're so young, can't they? The crazy weather this year doesn't help either. Good luck with your last two!
I don't know if this would work, but what's to lose? I have had parakeets and parrots since I was a little kid. Whenever one went "down" we isolated them in a homemade brooder with higher temps then normal and high humidity. At least 102 up to 104 degrees. We would actually wrap them up in a towel before w put them in the brooder.
We saved several keets this way. Several would be up the next day and eating. Might have been shock???? Vets knew little about birds back then, or at least few treated them, and it was very expensive to treat them. I have never tried this on a chick yet-been lucky.
Yeah, I read those threads too. First thing I did was go down to the feedstore to see how the remaining batch was doing. Since they had no deaths, at least I knew the problem was on my end.

I would like to get thoughts on this one poor little roo. He seems to be eating and drinking well, and leaving his droppings, but he doesn't walk anymore, he just of stumbles. I've looked at his legs and nothing seems wrong, I think he's just too weak. Do chicks recover and go on to lead normal, happy chicken lives?



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