Help with Chicken Bread


Jun 10, 2017
Hi, I bought what i thought was a batch of Cream Crested Legbar eggs from a supplier in pre-loved. All eggs were very light, some slightly blue some white, when they hatch the first chicken was very dark, (this is my first time hatching fertilised eggs) so i thought it must be a female Legbar. Next to hatch was defiantly a male Legbar, then 2 females, however the last 2 Legbars were not nearly as dark as the first chick to hatch.

I contacted the seller who said he had never had that happen before.

I am now convinced the black one is definitely not a Legbar, but I can't seem to identify what breed it is.

Can someone please help me.


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This is ebony, I'm not *positive* on her mix but she hatched from a cream legbar, not sure what her father is since there was a few other roosters in the mix

Mine aren't crested, but it does look like yours has the crest.. these are her half sisters

The bigger one is from the same hatch, the younger one is 2 days old in this pic
This is another example of "Buyer Beware." Sellers will say anything to get themselves off the hook. We see and hear about it constantly.

Yup! I'm happy with my Legbars I bought the black one knowing it was a mix.. but I have a black copper maran who's supposed to lay
A 6-7 on the colourscale.. I've always doubted it would lay eggs that dark it didn't seem realistic since it's a backyard chick, I couldn't find a real breeder in my area.. now I'm starting to worry its not even a black copper maran :fl
Thanks for all the feed back.

The guy was also selling at the time " leghorn,buff orpinton,black pekin bantam and cream crest leg bars" Maybe it is a cross with a black pekin bantam?

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