Help with duckling?

This is a Canadian goose baby. You won't be able to tell the difference between domestic or wild, and you do need a permit to keep them regardless. Best thing you can do is contact your local wildlife rehabilitator as they are protected by the Migratory Bird Act and it is a federal crime to be in possession of them.
Ok! Thank you so much! Will do that right away.
I agree, it's a Canada goose gosling. I'd say it looks 4 days old at most.
I'm sure it's not domestic, there aren't many people who keep Canada geese, and no one who keeps Canada geese would dump a Canada goose gosling. A legal Canada goose gosling could be sold for around $100.
It is definitely wild. You're sure it's parents aren't around? Sometimes only one baby will hatch, so just because you don't see other babies doesn't mean that it's parents aren't there.
I also have to agree, strange the parents aren’t around.
I know here in NC, it’s against the law to kill a goose! A big fine! I was thinking hunters, but nah.
If the gosling was left alone because of some predator killing the parents, I bet there’s more goslings—unless it’s the lone survivor.
I would definitely take a look around next to said pond.

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