Help with ducks eggs!?!

I've been in the same boat as you with the waiting. My Daisy has been sitting on eggs since March. She kept "culling the herd" and we'd throw a bunch away. Last night I went out to put our young chickens to "bed", they haven't figured out to go back into their coop. Anyway, I heard peeping and low and behold, 3 of the duck eggs had hatched...patience is the key, they'll hatch when they are ready.
BTW they are stinking cute too.
I've been in the same boat as you with the waiting. My Daisy has been sitting on eggs since March. She kept "culling the herd" and we'd throw a bunch away. Last night I went out to put our young chickens to "bed", they haven't figured out to go back into their coop. Anyway, I heard peeping and low and behold, 3 of the duck eggs had hatched...patience is the key, they'll hatch when they are ready.
BTW they are stinking cute too.
Since March?!! Wow! You had quite a long wait. I've thrown away one entire nest that Charlotte refused to sit on. And boy oh boy did they smell!!!

I guess I'll take ya'll's advice. I hate waiting, but if just chilling out and waiting is key, I will just chill.
Yeah. When the geese where on the nest we didnt know how long she was down there my dad kept bickering me like i wrote it down or something loll. But then we didnt see the male at the food pile for 2-3 days and then yellow fluff balls where following inbetween the male and female.
As of this afternoon we are up to 9 living...2 didn't make it :( They can fit through the chain link, and Daisy was not happy until they were back on "her side".
From your description, they don't sound like they are too far in. I'd say 5-10 days. They should take about 26-32 days. The usual is 28 days. Just wait for about 2-3 weeks and if you still don't have any ducklings than I would candle again. I wouldn't worry yet.
As of this afternoon we are up to 9 living...2 didn't make it :( They can fit through the chain link, and Daisy was not happy until they were back on "her side".
Aww! They're precious! Daisy sounds like she makes a good mum! I'm sorry about the two little ones, but at least you have these nine to expand your flock so Daisy isn't alone.
From your description, they don't sound like they are too far in. I'd say 5-10 days. They should take about 26-32 days. The usual is 28 days. Just wait for about 2-3 weeks and if you still don't have any ducklings than I would candle again. I wouldn't worry yet.
I thought they weren't too far.....The one with the tiny dot is about 6 days and the one with the big moving dot is around 10, according to a chicken egg chart that a friend sent me yesterday. Thank you so much for all your help, everyone!

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