Help with Gender?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 2, 2013
San Diego, California
I got Julia at one week old. She was called a Buff Orpington--she was a beautiful golden color--now she's just plain ol' white. I won't lie, I love her, but I am sad she's just white.

Can you tell me if she is Julia--or Jake?? She is now 8 weeks in these pictures taken yesterday.

I am afraid she's a he . . . but I have no basis for my guess. We're not allowed to have roosters here, so I am SO hoping she's a girl!!
None of my chickens were what the feed store said they were . . . I know she's not an orpington, buff or otherwise. My silkie's not a silkie, either. The Amaraucana is an EE, too. I asked the store why each bird wasn't as sold, and they made me feel stupid--like it doesn't matter. It really doesn't, I love them no matter what, but I felt mis-led.

I really hope this is a GIRL!!
This one could possibly be an ee as well, with those green legs. Her comb isn't too big, I'd say its the size of my ee pullets at 8 weeks.
It does resemble a white EE. -is a pretty bird!
I know how you feel. We purchased a newly hatched chick a week and a half ago. -was sold as a silkie. -turned out to be a cochin. We absolutely love it, the broody hen raising it is thrilled, but the daughter wanted a silkie. (She adores this chick and is enjoying it quite a lot even though it isn't the breed she thought she was getting.) I think that the stores don't really know what breeds they are getting (especially if they are hatching the eggs in store, as ours does).
Have fun with your chickens - and here's to hoping that they're all pullets!!!!

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