Help with Genders - 12 Weeks Old


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2019
Hi folks! I've had older hens and a roo for several years, but just had my first experience hatching fertilized eggs (for the kiddos). I could use some help identifying the roosters from these photos if you care to chime in. Some of my older gals have bright red combs and wattles, so I'm having some trouble with this (except with the one that's already crowing). Thanks!!

6 Grey.jpg 5 Tux.jpg 4 Egghead.jpg 3 Penny.jpg 2 Squirrel.jpg 1 shelly.jpg
Are your hens barred? It looks almost like you have home-made sexlinks.
We (child pressure) won these eggs from a farm at our local flock swap and yes, each one is unique and intentionally bred to make it easier to determine sex...unfortunately, I was unable to differentiate at birth...not that it would have made a difference.

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