Help with hatching


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 26, 2013
Ok so I hatched 12 eggs 5 hatched 4 pipped then died 4 are still in on day 23 when do I call it?
1 possibly 2 are moving! What do I do?
Uggggg I wanna rescue this chick from its little prison shell lol
Oh ya I opened one of the piped eggs that passed
Just to see I looked like its belly was a day or two
Under developed why did it pip? Sorry bout the 1001
Questions but my first run at incubating got me ten out
Of 12 so this hatch seems like a disaster !
I am new at this too, and I just set up my bator and I'm waiting for my eggs to be delivered in the next few days, but I got a kindle e-book for free Premaculture Chickens Incubation Handbook by Anna Hess that seems very knowledgable and has a trouble shooting guide for bad hatches. You should see if its still on there. She has a list of all the things that go wrong and suggestions of why they went wrong and how to correct it in the future.
Hatching is very stressful! I will always helped a pipped egg about 24 hours after. I've saved a few this way. The ones I've helped stared off weak and sometimes have leg issues. I use vetwrap and make makeshift leg bandages. I always give probios(probiotics) and vitamins to all my chicks when brooding them in the home.

The ones that pipped and can't make it out usually means that the incubator was opened too much or the humidity too low the last 3 days and they are shrink wrapped. Be very very careful when helping a pipped egg. Do not break a blood vessel in the process! I will leave the weak ones in the incubator for a longer time to rest too. The ones I've helped have grown into very healthy hens!

Day 23, I'd say they are pretty much done.:(. I've had eggs I drowned too due to too high of humidity once. I've had very successful hatches and some unsuccessful hatches.

I have my problems when I put 2 sets of eggs on different dates. When ordering online, many people don't ship the eggs right away.

Good luck! I love hatching and I love my incubator! Especially the egg turner and fan.
Thanks Nicole and Tara for such a quick response
I've turned into some kind of chicken fanatic lol
My first hatch I candled the eggs twice a day after the first 6 days
(Curiosity) got the best of me lol but still got 10 out of 12
Not bad for a first ! This hatch I handled a lot less
And worse results lol I'm still thrilled with my 5
New French black copper Marans ! Now hopefully
There all hens (already have rooster)
P.S. this website rocks and everyone here
Seems awesome great job BYC! I get all my info here!

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