Help with hen please. I think she is dieing!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 Years
Sep 30, 2010
Help please!! my hen has been just setting in the same place for 2 days straight. She is a Dominique pullet. & mos old. she is drolling and her vent is stopped up. I have placed in warm water so that her vent can clear up.

~ new chicken raiser.
we was breathing fine. her corwn thing ( I completely forgot the name for it at the moment.) looked normal. Ie know she was sick because she keep very still, wouldn't drink water, and couldn't stand up.

thank for respounding
Well it may have been an impacted crop or if her vent was pasted up that may have done it. It is probably safe to say that for some reason her digestive system wasnt moving. Necropsy?

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